How Google AdWords affects organic results

Did you know that your Google AdWords account can affect your site’s organic results? Now, before you start creating a bunch of ads to boost your site’s organic performance, let’s actually look at the data and how it truly affects (or doesn’t) the results.

It’s important to note that by buying ads, it will not directly affect your organic ranking!  It’s not like you can place five ads and see a boost in your organic ranking. It’s not that easy. Trust us, no one at Google is paying off members of the Search Quality team to boost a site’s organic ranking simply because they bought an ad. But, there are some indirect benefits on your organic ranking as a result of advertising with the search engines.

Searchers may click on organic listing anyway

If your site’s ranking is already the top listing, you might get people clicking on that instead of your ad that’s directly above it, or even better, your competitors’ ad that’s directly above. Your site should be optimized for the right keywords and using the right words to draw attention to it when it’s showing up in the results that searchers might be more interested in your brand that’s already ranking for those terms instead of the ad.

Name recognition

Searchers might be more likely to click on your organic listing and convert later if they’ve seen your ads in the search results before and recognize your brand or property.

Ad clicks may increase links to your site

Let’s say you’re advertising a new romance package on your site. Jane’s searching for romance packages and sees your ad and visits your site. She shares it on Facebook so her husband will see it and maybe one of Jane’s friends also visits your site to see the details of the package and she also shares it. The more people are linking and visiting your site, the better that page will do in the search results naturally.

To sum up, there are some fantastic indirect benefits of running PPC ads with Google to your organic ranking. Ideally, your site will also be focusing on improving its SEO consistently to keep that quality organic ranking for the long term with the PPC benefits as a bonus.