How the pandemic has highlighted the need for hotel technology

If 2020 taught us anything, it is that technology continues to automate and streamline guest interactions and the ways in which we communicate during COVID-19. Hoteliers are now reaping the benefits from many advanced digital inventions that were only considerations before.

You can improve your guest interactions for 2021 and beyond by implementing these three tools at your hotel!

1) Mobile Key Entry

The adoption of mobile key entry continues to rise across all segments in the hospitality industry. This new form of room access is pushing the envelope and has hotel owners evaluating their options and investment criteria. Upgrading old hardware should be a capital investment that remains viable for the next 10 years.

With COVID-19 and the desire to keep social distancing in the forefront the market demand for mobile room access is expected to grow. When implemented correctly, hoteliers will see improvements in efficiency and cost savings when employees do not have to issue or replace room keys. Your guests will also appreciate the automated approach to granting access to their room without front desk interaction.

2) Text Messaging

You have probably never received as many text messages from restaurants, delivery services, or pick-up locations as you have now. With everything shifting to a contactless world, this level of safety and convenience is a trend that will be with us for years to come. Offering SMS text messaging can also be used to grow revenue. Here is how:

  1. Allow for guests to text in dinner or drink orders
  2. Let them make a spa appointment or request a shuttle ride
  3. Give them options to request extra towels, pillows, or bath items
  4. Send post-stay offers to your guests
  5. Send them booking reminders
  6. Solicit guest reviews

By leveraging this tool at your hotel, you will find new ways to increase revenue, improve guest satisfaction, and make your team more efficient.

3) Chatbots

Chatbot success stories continue to inspire many businesses to adopt a “bot” (robot) of their own. All automated chatbots are designed to be as human as possible, provide many advantages, and fall into two primary categories: AI chatbots (Artificial Intelligence) and Rule-based chatbots.

Advantages of all chatbots:

  • Ability to be accessible 24/7
  • Can assist with moving guests through the booking process
  • Can be used as a set-it-and-forget-it strategy

While all chatbots rely on some form of artificial intelligence, AI chatbots use machine learning to understand the context and intent of a question before formulating a response. These chatbots generate their own answers to more complicated questions using natural-language responses. The more you use and train these bots, the more they learn, and the better they operate with the user. AI chatbots are considered more sophisticated and work well for companies with a lot of data.

Advantages of AI chatbots:

  • Learn from information gathered
  • Continuously improve as more data comes in
  • Understand patterns of behavior
  • Have a broader range of decision-making skills
  • Can understand many languages

Conversely, rule-based chatbots use a series of predefined rules as the basis for the types of problems to solve. If you go with a rule-based bot, you add the questions or phrases you want the bot to respond to, and pre-determine what the response should be.

Advantages of rule-based chatbots:

  • Are generally faster to train (less expensive)
  • Integrate easily with legacy systems
  • Streamline the handover to a human agent
  • Are highly accountable and secure
  • Can include interactive elements and media
  • Are not restricted to text interactions

Of course, you can also have a live chat function with one of your staff members manning the chat tool. This typically provides a more personalized conversation with real human touch and personality. Simply place the chat tool on your website and booking engine or utilize one through a social channel like Facebook.

Advancements on innovations like the ones discussed in this post will continue to improve the guest experience and simplify the way you operate your hotel. As a result, your guest will pay it forward with high comments on review sites and positive engagement on your social networks. Schedule a demo to learn how the technology in our Ecosystem can help you improve guest communication, grow revenue, and simplify operations.